Monday, November 9, 2009


When: Monday, November 9, 2009.
Where: Open Laboratory.

I'm surfing the net late this afternoon. After I have finished my assignment in Installation, I went to the Information Technology Services Office (ITSO- few steps away from openlab) to save my file (cause we are not allowed to insert USB device in the computer lab to avoid computer virus). So I left my bag on my chair and went to the said office.

When I got back into my place, I'm about to check the time on my cell and I found out that it was not inside my bag. I checked it twice. I even asked my friend if I lend it to him (cause most often than not, Im having a memory gap) but unfortunately, he said I did not lend it to him.

I still don't want to think that it was stolen, until I realize that my MP4 was missing too. The music player was just right beside my cellphone. That's the time that I really have to accept the fact that my gadgets were STOLEN!

I felt really upset. I never thought that a fellow student can do such crime.

The cost of those gadgets was never the issue, but its the sentimental value that really matters.

just prayed that, that would be the last moment who-so-ever student steals.
Now, I have learned my lessons:

-Never leave your things unattended for what-so-ever reason.
-Don't assume that everyone is trustworthy.
-There's no permanent in this world.